Saturday, July 7, 2012

I've said it before....

I don't know how many times I've said it's the day. Whether it be starting a new diet, a workout plan at the gym, or starting marathon training, just to name a few. I have my last hurrah whether it be a dessert or a lazy night on the couch telling myself that I will start tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and whatever I've started lasts a day, a week, maybe a month, before the whole cycle begins again. So I know I've said it before but I have truly started marathon training yesterday.

I now have a planner dedicated solely to the training, since this time around I'm trying a completely different program and it actually matters which day I run, fartlek or cross-train. Yesterday began with an easy 2 mile run (just because I've said I'm starting training, doesn't mean I haven't been running!) and Sunday's long run this week is only 3 miles. I need to ease myself back into the scheduled nature of  training. What I'm most looking forward to this new program is that every Monday is a recovery day, which can include something as simple as a walk or swim or dive with Belugas, which is how I plan to spend my recovery days at least during the summer months!

Here's to another long journey that will end with the 2nd greatest accomplishment of my life!

"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible" - John Hanc.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Today is not my first run, it is just the first run in which I decided I would start the blog back up. I've spent most of my runs debating whether or not to bring this back, I wasn't always on top of the blog the first time around when the training was brand new to me but despite my lack of updates I spent every run mapping out just what I would say. It helps me to pass the time since I don't run with music.

When I finished the marathon in January I was elated, a true runners high, despite the pain my body felt for a few days. Once I returned home I hit the gym immediately, skipping the treadmill for the elliptical, because it was less stressful on the body. That was short lived as I had Plantar Fasciitis and had to take a break from everything, starting up after that was tough, I was so afraid of it not having healed I didn't want to push it to much. As I settled back into my regular routine of not working out I knew I needed another run to look forward to and to motivate me back into training. I signed up for the Disneyland Half Marathon to take place in August 2012 and the Disney World Marathon that takes place in January 2013. Along with some smaller runs along the way, the first one up is the BAA 10K! 

I hope that you will again take the journey with me as I make my way through the mileage and hope that you won't hold it against me when I choose to hang out with friends instead of blog (as the mileage increases the time I have to be social significantly decreases). 

Today's Stats:

2.33 miles  22:29minutes 

I don't exactly have milestones (get it!) in mind that I'm trying to hit on these beginning runs, I'm basically aiming to be somewhere between 20-30minutes with it increasing each run until I'm running 30 minutes consistently. From that point I will begin on the Non-Runners Marathon trainer schedule until I'm up to 6 miles at which point I will switch to a different marathon training schedule, still meant for beginners but that is a little more demanding. 

Dead last finish > Did Not finish > Did not start

Here's to my second start!