Sunday, November 13, 2011

6 minutes later...

A busy November indeed - I have 2 weeks left of classes in my first semester of grad school! Yikes! That also means that January is coming verryyyyy soon.

Here's what I've been up to:

Last weekend I did my second 10K. You can check back in the June archives, I ran a 1:09 for my first race, and I was happy to have finished it.  For this one, I had one big goal - take 1 minute off of my mile time, so about 6 minutes off the total race.  I'm very happy to announce that I ended with a chip time of 1:03.48 - 24th in my division of 49 women. Those 6 minutes = gone!

This course was significantly hillier [more hilly?] than the first 10k, so it was still a challenge. Had it been flat, I think I could have dropped another minute or two off my total time. On the course, I met two people who inspired me - one was a Marine who ran the half marathon in full fatigues, boots and a backpack. If he can do that [and so, so much more] who was I to complain? That image will stay with me for a very long time.  The second was an average looking guy, maybe in his mid thirties, with a great attitude.  I believe he said he was running the full marathon. We had close to the same pace, so I saw him a lot, and he was always smiling, always calling out to thank the volunteers and people cheering us on 'thanks for the cowbell!'.  Around mile 5, I asked him if I could run with him, and when we got to the last stretch [which was uphill... who does that!], he kept cheering me on and raced me to my finish line [the longer races continued straight on] and he cheered for me.  I was so touched that a total stranger would do that. I wondered afterwards how the rest of their races went... I hope they know that they touched someone that day.

Running around here has been much more hilly than back North, and especially lately, my knees and hips have been feeling the burn. I've been trying to mix things up, adding some biking and new stretches into my week.  I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving sales so I can get a new pair of sneakers - I'm sure mine have enough miles on them at this point to warrent a fresh pair for the last stretch.

I've learned that I really enjoy the 10K distance. Even if I never become a marathon runner, I think this is a race that I'll stick with. It's just enough time for me to push myself, enjoy the run, and not feel like dying after. I probably won't fit in another before January, but I'm looking forward to a few in the spring down here. 

I've got a bit of a stomach bug, and it put a damper on my 10 mile plans for today, so I'll shoot for it next weekend. End of semester = stress = everyone is sick.

Hang in there, J! I'm so proud of you and I can't wait to see you!!


PS. One of my friends snapped this about 100 yards from the finish line. The guy in the white shirt was my new friend who was cheering me on. Yay for a strong finish!

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