Thursday, October 27, 2011

I miss sleep.

Grad school is way more time consuming than I ever expected.  Fitting in runs hasn't been easy, and I've been spending 12 hours a day on campus, especially as the second half of the semester picks up.  I'm really hoping to fit in a few good ones between Friday and Sunday this week. The mind is willing, but when it's 11 at night and I get the choice between the treadmill and studying for another hour before I drag my tired butt to bed, studying wins.

I talked to my mom about this recently - mostly that I'm jealous that I don't have as much time to dedicate to running as I'd like.  She reminded me that I'm here now because school is my focus and running is supposed to be fun, not an extra stress in my life.  It's hard to accept since I really want to do well in January. I guess all I can do is my best at this point, just to get through my first half but maybe the summer will give me an opportunity to dedicate more time to a second race.

I'm still doing the 10k in November, don't worry.

Sleep now. xxoo

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