Tuesday, October 25, 2011

14 Miles

Over the weekend I was told about a new website Map My Run and I tried it this Monday to map my 14 mile run. The website allows you to search for runs in your area that other users have posted but I didn't see one that I liked, so instead I mapped my own run. I can also get the Map My Run app on my phone that when used during the run will record my actual distance and time. I didn't have the app running on my phone prior to my run so I didn't use it but I plan on testing it out on shorter runs this week.

When it comes to my long runs I'm trying to avoid hills because Disney won't have any hills that I'll need to train for (although i'm still keeping hills in my shorter runs). It is hard to truly avoid hills so on my long run this week I walked up all the hills but ran everything else and it worked out very well. At no point in the run did I feel like it was too much, which is a really great feeling.

The run lasted for 2:37:51 and didn't actually end back where I had started, instead Shawn had to come pick me up because the route I had mapped took me over into Mystic - going first through North Stonington, Stonington and then into Old Mystic before ending up on route 1. I timed it so that I got to the end point about 20 minutes before Shawn which allowed me to stretch and have a nice cool down walk.

Truthfully I have no idea what runs are up for my week - but I have to figure it out quick because I have to run tomorrow, Thursday and Friday to get me back on a Sunday long run. This weekend my long run will be taking place back down on the cape along the canal - I'm excited!


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