Friday, July 29, 2011

Days go by...

And we're still running. I promise. We've just been so busy that neither of us have had time to blog about it.

Let's see... last weekend, I attempted my 8 miler. It wasn't as successful as the 7 miles, and I ended up walking part of it. I did a lot of thinking over this week, and decided that for the next 3 weeks, I'm cutting back on my runs to 3 days a week. I've got so much going on with the move coming up, and I want to make sure I spend enough free time with the friends that I won't see as much of.  The 8 mile run was the hardest, and I think the deal breaker for me - my boyfriend was at home waiting to eat dinner for me, and I spent an hour and forty five minutes running and wishing I wasn't. 

The short runs have been going fine for me, and I found out about a sprint triathalon in September, and I may do the running leg of it as part of a team.  I'm going to keep finding short runs for the fall to keep me motivated and interested in racing.

Time to get back to work!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

7 miles in heaven

 Well it wasn't quite heavenly, but about as close as a run can get. On Sunday, I made it all the way through my 7 mile run by tring a new location. Much less hilly, way more ocean view. The loop had me going through the town next to ours, and half of it was on the beach/boardwalk main street.  I could see the ocean for 6 of the 7 miles, and the last few along the main drag were lots of fun [fun! running? what?!] because I was people watching and just enjoying the beautiful weather as the sun set. This week, I'll work up to an 8 miler, possibly just extending that loop. 

I've tried several times to run in the morning, and I'm noticing that it just doesn't work for me.  I can wake up and go to work, wake up and go run errands, but waking up to run [especally on my weekend] just doesn't happen. Therefore, I will continue running at night for now, and eating at 9pm.

Stay cool! It's going to be a hot week for sure!


Friday, July 15, 2011

Run in the sun, run in the rain.

Oy, business. I promise I've been running too. Last Saturday was a 7 miler for me. It was my first attempt at the distance, and I had a loop mapped out that sounded good on paper. Sadly, I forgot about the [massive] hill about 2 miles in. It's a pain to drive on, let alone running. So yes, I walked the hill, but I made the rest of the loop. Close enough...
The rest of the week was 3, 5, and 3 yesterday. Yesterday was a beautiful day for a 3 miles, not too hot, not humid at all. I'd love more days like that, but we're not always that lucky. J already mentioned our very wet 5 miler - running while soaking wet is interesting... soaking wet shoes add a few extra pounds, and I kept wiping water out of my eyes. We were honked at twice, and someone asked if we need a ride somewhere. We sure kept going though. I'm not sure if it was the rain, or running with J, but we made awesome time and did 11 minute miles.

Before we ran, we had a good talk about some of the challenges we're facing - motivation, making time for running, how much distance we should be aiming for etc.  I've been pressuring myself to keep up the distance as the book suggests, because I want to get a good base under me before school starts in September, but J was saying that if I really enjoy the 3-5 miles, I should keep at those distances for a while before moving up more. I'll see how things go, but I'd still like to keep increasing a bit more. We'll see what happens...


Thursday, July 14, 2011


Waterlogged = Saturated with or full of water (according to the first definition that comes up on google!).

My past two runs have had me water logged one by being full of water and the other by being saturated with water. I mentioned in my last post that I completed the 7 mile run, I may have even said that it went great. That part is true, the run went great, I didn't even feel like I couldn't finish or keep going. My pace was slow and steady throughout the run and with the purchase of a water bottle belt, I was able to keep hydrated. I took sips of water throughout the run, just enough to keep me going, but not too much. The problem of being waterlogged (in this case full of water) happened after the run, I was so thirsty once I completed the run that without really thinking about it I downed all four bottles of water on my belt. I came back to my apartment to stretch and had another glass of water, it was at this point that I felt very unwell. Apparently too much water is a bad thing after a run and I found out the hard way, let's just say it didn't all stay in my stomach. 

I skipped my three mile run this week which would have been on Tuesday because I opted to go to boot camp class with some friends instead. I originally planned on going to the boot camp and then running the three miles before heading home. After boot camp I started to jog, got to the end of the road and quit, my legs were sore and I was not going to make it to the end of the next road, let alone three miles jogging. I figured that although I didn't complete the three miles that the exercise was more than enough to make up for it. This left me with a file mile run on Wednesday. 

Now on Wednesday is started to rain around 6:50pm, I was planning on going out for my run around 7:15pm. A and I both had 5 miles to run and figured we would run it together despite the rain we still went out. The little bit of rain turned into a downpour not even a mile down the road but we kept going, for the whole 5 miles. This run left us both waterlogged (the saturated with water kind of waterlogged). Our shoes, clothes, shirts, socks, and headbands were a dripping, wet mess. On the plus side running together helped motivate both of us to run quicker and we finished 5 miles in 56 minutes! On the downside I don't know if my running shoes will ever dry out. 

Next up: Harry Potter midnight showing! another 3 miler tomorrow and an 8 miler on Sunday! 


"And now Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure" - Dumbledore 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Behind on the blogs but not on the runs

I am very behind on blogging about my runs as this training program progresses into the longer runs. In the past two weeks I've completed all 8 runs necessary and they all tend to blend together. Last week was a 3, 4, 3, 7 mile week and while away in Saratoga at a family reunion I completed the last 3 mile run of the week and attempted the 7 mile run. I say attempted because I only completed 6 miles. On a happy note I repeated the week and completed the 7 mile run yesterday in 1:23!

Most of my runs lately have been taking place around 7 or 8 at night because I've been at work until 6 or 7 most nights, I don't necessarily like running so late as it throws off my dinner schedule and I end up eating later than normal and going right to bed after. Although I don't prefer running late I'm making the runs a priority so I won't skip them, this has me saying no to hanging out with friends more than I'd like but the marathon is a commitment and thankfully my friends understand.

Today is a day off and will be spent relaxing on the beach! Tomorrow is back to the runs and I'm even going to attempt to take a boot camp class at the gym with friends. I will not let it go another two weeks before I post again.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Recovery week recap

I'm happy to report that I made it through recovery week, which ended on a shaky, sweaty 5 mile run/walk bit on Saturday. It was far too hot to be running, and I kept talking walking breaks to keep from overheating and passing out 3 miles from home. I need to remember that the temperature at the beginning of an hour long run is not the same as the temperature at the end of that hour. Oh, summer. Oh, humid summer. Consider my lesson learned.

I did some shopping over the weekend for a few accessories - more wicking clothes, a sweatband, and a water belt, so I can keep hydrated as I go. Super stylish, but I can't wait to try it out! I started this week on a 3 mile run on Monday the 4th, as it turns out, I'm really enjoying 3 miles. I sang patriotic songs to myself the whole time. This weekend, I'll attempt 7 miles, another big milestone for me.  At this point, I need to work on my mental fitness - my brain understands running for 45 minutes, but when it gets to an hour or more, it doesn't understand why I'm still running.

Here goes another week...
