Monday, July 11, 2011

Behind on the blogs but not on the runs

I am very behind on blogging about my runs as this training program progresses into the longer runs. In the past two weeks I've completed all 8 runs necessary and they all tend to blend together. Last week was a 3, 4, 3, 7 mile week and while away in Saratoga at a family reunion I completed the last 3 mile run of the week and attempted the 7 mile run. I say attempted because I only completed 6 miles. On a happy note I repeated the week and completed the 7 mile run yesterday in 1:23!

Most of my runs lately have been taking place around 7 or 8 at night because I've been at work until 6 or 7 most nights, I don't necessarily like running so late as it throws off my dinner schedule and I end up eating later than normal and going right to bed after. Although I don't prefer running late I'm making the runs a priority so I won't skip them, this has me saying no to hanging out with friends more than I'd like but the marathon is a commitment and thankfully my friends understand.

Today is a day off and will be spent relaxing on the beach! Tomorrow is back to the runs and I'm even going to attempt to take a boot camp class at the gym with friends. I will not let it go another two weeks before I post again.


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