Thursday, July 14, 2011


Waterlogged = Saturated with or full of water (according to the first definition that comes up on google!).

My past two runs have had me water logged one by being full of water and the other by being saturated with water. I mentioned in my last post that I completed the 7 mile run, I may have even said that it went great. That part is true, the run went great, I didn't even feel like I couldn't finish or keep going. My pace was slow and steady throughout the run and with the purchase of a water bottle belt, I was able to keep hydrated. I took sips of water throughout the run, just enough to keep me going, but not too much. The problem of being waterlogged (in this case full of water) happened after the run, I was so thirsty once I completed the run that without really thinking about it I downed all four bottles of water on my belt. I came back to my apartment to stretch and had another glass of water, it was at this point that I felt very unwell. Apparently too much water is a bad thing after a run and I found out the hard way, let's just say it didn't all stay in my stomach. 

I skipped my three mile run this week which would have been on Tuesday because I opted to go to boot camp class with some friends instead. I originally planned on going to the boot camp and then running the three miles before heading home. After boot camp I started to jog, got to the end of the road and quit, my legs were sore and I was not going to make it to the end of the next road, let alone three miles jogging. I figured that although I didn't complete the three miles that the exercise was more than enough to make up for it. This left me with a file mile run on Wednesday. 

Now on Wednesday is started to rain around 6:50pm, I was planning on going out for my run around 7:15pm. A and I both had 5 miles to run and figured we would run it together despite the rain we still went out. The little bit of rain turned into a downpour not even a mile down the road but we kept going, for the whole 5 miles. This run left us both waterlogged (the saturated with water kind of waterlogged). Our shoes, clothes, shirts, socks, and headbands were a dripping, wet mess. On the plus side running together helped motivate both of us to run quicker and we finished 5 miles in 56 minutes! On the downside I don't know if my running shoes will ever dry out. 

Next up: Harry Potter midnight showing! another 3 miler tomorrow and an 8 miler on Sunday! 


"And now Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure" - Dumbledore 

1 comment:

  1. If your shoes get wet, stuff newspaper in the best an dries out completely
