Friday, July 15, 2011

Run in the sun, run in the rain.

Oy, business. I promise I've been running too. Last Saturday was a 7 miler for me. It was my first attempt at the distance, and I had a loop mapped out that sounded good on paper. Sadly, I forgot about the [massive] hill about 2 miles in. It's a pain to drive on, let alone running. So yes, I walked the hill, but I made the rest of the loop. Close enough...
The rest of the week was 3, 5, and 3 yesterday. Yesterday was a beautiful day for a 3 miles, not too hot, not humid at all. I'd love more days like that, but we're not always that lucky. J already mentioned our very wet 5 miler - running while soaking wet is interesting... soaking wet shoes add a few extra pounds, and I kept wiping water out of my eyes. We were honked at twice, and someone asked if we need a ride somewhere. We sure kept going though. I'm not sure if it was the rain, or running with J, but we made awesome time and did 11 minute miles.

Before we ran, we had a good talk about some of the challenges we're facing - motivation, making time for running, how much distance we should be aiming for etc.  I've been pressuring myself to keep up the distance as the book suggests, because I want to get a good base under me before school starts in September, but J was saying that if I really enjoy the 3-5 miles, I should keep at those distances for a while before moving up more. I'll see how things go, but I'd still like to keep increasing a bit more. We'll see what happens...


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