Friday, July 29, 2011

Days go by...

And we're still running. I promise. We've just been so busy that neither of us have had time to blog about it.

Let's see... last weekend, I attempted my 8 miler. It wasn't as successful as the 7 miles, and I ended up walking part of it. I did a lot of thinking over this week, and decided that for the next 3 weeks, I'm cutting back on my runs to 3 days a week. I've got so much going on with the move coming up, and I want to make sure I spend enough free time with the friends that I won't see as much of.  The 8 mile run was the hardest, and I think the deal breaker for me - my boyfriend was at home waiting to eat dinner for me, and I spent an hour and forty five minutes running and wishing I wasn't. 

The short runs have been going fine for me, and I found out about a sprint triathalon in September, and I may do the running leg of it as part of a team.  I'm going to keep finding short runs for the fall to keep me motivated and interested in racing.

Time to get back to work!


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