Tuesday, July 19, 2011

7 miles in heaven

 Well it wasn't quite heavenly, but about as close as a run can get. On Sunday, I made it all the way through my 7 mile run by tring a new location. Much less hilly, way more ocean view. The loop had me going through the town next to ours, and half of it was on the beach/boardwalk main street.  I could see the ocean for 6 of the 7 miles, and the last few along the main drag were lots of fun [fun! running? what?!] because I was people watching and just enjoying the beautiful weather as the sun set. This week, I'll work up to an 8 miler, possibly just extending that loop. 

I've tried several times to run in the morning, and I'm noticing that it just doesn't work for me.  I can wake up and go to work, wake up and go run errands, but waking up to run [especally on my weekend] just doesn't happen. Therefore, I will continue running at night for now, and eating at 9pm.

Stay cool! It's going to be a hot week for sure!


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