Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Still moving along

While I'm not up to 10 miles, I'm still moving, I promise! This week is 4-3-3-race for me - I'm doing the running leg for a sprint triathlon team down here [Go, Speedy Turtles!].  It's a short 2.5 mile fun run, but it should motivate me and keep me going towards more distance. Runs around here are challenging, since the city is so hilly and well, a city. The current 3 mile loop I have crosses 3 major intersections, which either involves perfect timing or a stop-go pattern which gets very old quickly [there's always just dodging the traffic as well, but that can get tricky...]

I'm hanging in there, the heat is slowly starting to get better. I'll try to post pictures of my tri-team after this weekend, it should be a fun time!

Take care, y'all!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Quick catch up from last week - I ran 5 miles on Friday around 7pm and woke up Saturday morning at 6am to run another 3 miles. Normally I wouldn't schedule the runs so close together but I was leaving for Cape Cod right from work on Saturday. I figured a run so early in the morning would be nice and cool but it was more humid than the run on Friday night, wasn't exactly the refreshing run I had pictured.

Sunday was a day of rest and anticipating my first double digit run - a lovely ten miles. Monday while still at the cape Shawn had the brilliant idea to run the Cape Cod Canal.

The canal is 7 miles long and is marked starting at 0 miles, every half mile, to the end. Shawn brought along a bike and provided some much needed company for me. The first five miles were hot, without any breeze and seemed to drag on forever for me. Shawn stayed by my side, we pointed out things along the trail to one another and having him next to me kept me from giving up. When I hit the five mile mark I turned around and Shawn continued on to bike the full 7 miles. As soon as I turned around I could feel a breeze and all of a sudden the run didn't seem so hard. I picked up the pace slightly trying to see how far I could get before Shawn biked the extra 4 miles and made it back to me. The canal was flat and I finished 10 miles in 1:54 minutes. 

Finishing my first 10 mile run was an amazing feeling and I couldn't have picked a nicer run. The path was full of other people biking, running, walking their dogs, rollerblading and fishing along the canal. Everyone was very friendly saying hello, good morning or giving a wave. The best of all the interactions was from an older couple walking the canal - as they saw me running and Shawn biking along they commented "uh somethings not right with this picture" we laughed and replied that he was motivating me. Towards the end of the run I had Shawn bike ahead to mark the end so I would know when to pick up my pace. As he took off on his bike, another biker came from behind me and said "is he trying to make you run faster?" once again I laughed and explained he was marking the end for me. At times it was easy to distract myself from the run when I had so much going on around me. 

This week I'm going to stick with 10 miles for the long run but incorporate hills. Today was a 4 mile run, tomorrow will be 5. Saturday is another 4 and then Monday will be 10! Let's hope this hurricane doesn't blow my plans (get it hurricane = winds = blows, hehe)! 


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I Still Exist!

I'm here, I promise! August has been crazy, as I expected it to be. So here's a recap to date:

I've known for a few months that I would be moving to take a new opportunity in the south - exciting, but still sad to be leaving all of my friends in CT. I was hoping to keep running 2-3 days per week for the first 2 weeks of August while I packed up my apartment and did all sorts of going-away things. I got 2 runs in on the first week, but the 2nd week, I didn't fit any in. Last minute hanging out with friends > running.

I got to my new destination on Saturday, and have been unpack and sorting out my new place since then. I uncovered my shoes yesterday morning, and mapped out a 3 mile loop, which ended up being very hilly, and partially on a busy street with no sidewalk (yikes!). It was a slow start, but I've got plenty of time, so I'm not putting pressure on myself.

 I'm also in the south which means heat and humidity, even at 9am. The new apartment complex I'm in has an indoor workout room, so my plan is now to do 1 indoor run (which can be day or night) and then 3 runs outside (early morning or dusk if I can find a safe neighborhood to run in). 

I've got more unpacking to do, and then I'll have my indoor workout tonight. If I can get back on track, I'll start with a 5 miler this weekend and take things from there. If it goes well, I may jump ahead to 6 or 7 for the next week, but we'll see.

Be good, y'all!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Today was a major fail on the running part. However on the plus side I now have a very nice dresser for only 15 dollars for the 2nd bedroom. I was going to wake up early and go to the aquarium to run before I started work, since this afternoon was booked because of plans to go get the dresser from Rhode Island. I woke up, got dressed, got back into bed and fell asleep until I had to leave for work. FAIL.

I went to work and was originally suppose to stay until 6 to move some new fish onto exhibit, after doing this I was to run over and pick up Shawn so that he could help me with the dresser. The fish move was canceled which allowed me time to run before having to go pick him up. By the end of the day my stomach wasn't feeling so hot, mainly due to having a skimpy lunch I think. I started off on my run but my stomach wasn't up for the 3 miles. I got about 100 feet, stopped, turned around, and walked back to my car. FAIL.

Continuing on with my plans to get Shawn and the dresser, I figured I would get back in time to get the run in once I had some food in me and my stomach was feeling alright. The trip to get the dresser ended up including some random stops (Olympia Sports - needed new running clothes, Sleepys - to check on buying a mattress, and Ocean State Job Lot - ended up buying pillows for 2nd bedroom at a very good price) and had me returning home much later than expected, at this point it was too dark to run. FAIL.

Since this week is slightly busy I've had to come up with a new game plan. Tomorrow night is our interns going away dinner, taking place down in Misquamicut, which is a great place to run! My 3 mile run will now occur after dinner tomorrow. Thursday will be an off day since I have to go to Providence to pick up a boxspring I found for cheap. Friday will be my long 5 mile run. Saturday I'm headed to the cape so likely in the morning or late evening will be a 3 mile run. Sunday will be an off day just enjoying the cape and Monday will be a long run at 10 miles! Lets hope the rest of the week goes to plan and I don't crawl back into bed when I'm suppose to run.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

8 miles - finally!

According to the program I've been following it should have been an easy progression from 7 to 8 miles as the next jump is straight up to 10 miles. However I struggled with completing 7 miles a few times and the only other time I tried 8 I didn't even make it 3 miles into the run. Some of the problems have been my own fault - I either tried running at noon in 80 degree heat and humidity or I forgot to bring water and was parched part way through the run and couldn't talk myself through the rest of it. The second scenario almost happened tonight, this time I was successful at forcing my mind to shut off and just run.

It was muggier out than I thought it would be and I ran very slow, it took me 1:42 minutes to complete the full 8 miles but I was ecstatic that I finally completed the run!! Tonight will be a celebration with shirley temples.

 I keep meaning to do a post titled - things said to me on my run - as pretty much everyone run I've had people make comments to me, eitehr along the lines of keep it up or the occasionally whistle or honk from a passing car, but this run was very quiet. No honks, which is a good thing because usually they scare me, no words of encouragement from passerbys. Just one drunk man stumbling down the road who may have tried to say hi but it was slurred.

On a side note: A has moved out :(  She has decided to make a move and I am so excited for all the new adventures she will be having. The next time we get to see each other will be at Disney for the runs! The whole motivation for my training is that at the end of all this hard work is a trip to Disney with my family and friends!!


Monday, August 8, 2011


I had a few very bad runs last week, the three mile run was even a bit of a struggle, which hasn't been normal. After a bit of a cold came over me I decided to take the rest of the week off. I'm feeling better and excited to get out running. I'll take a step back to the 3, 5, 3, 7 week instead of trying to move on to 8. I swear at some point I will pass 7 miles!!

I'm also in the market for new shoes and spotted these asics shoes, in pink of course. I'm now on the lookout for them in stores to see how they fit because I feel weird buying running shoes over the internet, especially when they need to really feel good for me to run such long distances in them.

Until then I'm just counting down until fall, looking forward to running while the leaves change color.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Can't Beat the Heat

I've tried running 3 times this month around noon time and each of these three runs were unsuccessful. They have all been my long runs of the week, twice I was suppose to finish 7 miles and today I was suppose to finish 8. The closest I came was finishing 5.5 miles when I was suppose to run 7, today was much worse only completing 2.5 miles when I was suppose to run 8. I ended up walking and did a total of 4.5 miles today, still no where close to my projected distance.

I think the biggest lesson I can learn from this is to stop running when it is hot and sunny out! I have had two successful 7 mile runs, both took me about 1:23 minutes to complete and both those runs were done around 7-8pm, once the sun was setting and the cooler temperatures were creeping in.

I now need to repeat this week of 3, 5, 3, 8 miles but will make sure my 8 mile run is much earlier in the day or much later in the day. It's frustrating when I don't complete the distance and makes me worry about how the marathon itself will go. I've been trying very hard to dismiss the negative thoughts and focus on the next run and so far it has worked. Each 3 and 5 mile run I've been running up to this point has gotten slightly faster and each time I try to push myself a little more. And although I love this hot weather, because it means I get to spend days at the beach, out on my parents new boat, or playing around at Brownstone I cannot wait for the crisp days of fall to approach so that it might actually feel nice to break a sweat. But until I'll keep running.
