Sunday, August 14, 2011

8 miles - finally!

According to the program I've been following it should have been an easy progression from 7 to 8 miles as the next jump is straight up to 10 miles. However I struggled with completing 7 miles a few times and the only other time I tried 8 I didn't even make it 3 miles into the run. Some of the problems have been my own fault - I either tried running at noon in 80 degree heat and humidity or I forgot to bring water and was parched part way through the run and couldn't talk myself through the rest of it. The second scenario almost happened tonight, this time I was successful at forcing my mind to shut off and just run.

It was muggier out than I thought it would be and I ran very slow, it took me 1:42 minutes to complete the full 8 miles but I was ecstatic that I finally completed the run!! Tonight will be a celebration with shirley temples.

 I keep meaning to do a post titled - things said to me on my run - as pretty much everyone run I've had people make comments to me, eitehr along the lines of keep it up or the occasionally whistle or honk from a passing car, but this run was very quiet. No honks, which is a good thing because usually they scare me, no words of encouragement from passerbys. Just one drunk man stumbling down the road who may have tried to say hi but it was slurred.

On a side note: A has moved out :(  She has decided to make a move and I am so excited for all the new adventures she will be having. The next time we get to see each other will be at Disney for the runs! The whole motivation for my training is that at the end of all this hard work is a trip to Disney with my family and friends!!


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