Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I Still Exist!

I'm here, I promise! August has been crazy, as I expected it to be. So here's a recap to date:

I've known for a few months that I would be moving to take a new opportunity in the south - exciting, but still sad to be leaving all of my friends in CT. I was hoping to keep running 2-3 days per week for the first 2 weeks of August while I packed up my apartment and did all sorts of going-away things. I got 2 runs in on the first week, but the 2nd week, I didn't fit any in. Last minute hanging out with friends > running.

I got to my new destination on Saturday, and have been unpack and sorting out my new place since then. I uncovered my shoes yesterday morning, and mapped out a 3 mile loop, which ended up being very hilly, and partially on a busy street with no sidewalk (yikes!). It was a slow start, but I've got plenty of time, so I'm not putting pressure on myself.

 I'm also in the south which means heat and humidity, even at 9am. The new apartment complex I'm in has an indoor workout room, so my plan is now to do 1 indoor run (which can be day or night) and then 3 runs outside (early morning or dusk if I can find a safe neighborhood to run in). 

I've got more unpacking to do, and then I'll have my indoor workout tonight. If I can get back on track, I'll start with a 5 miler this weekend and take things from there. If it goes well, I may jump ahead to 6 or 7 for the next week, but we'll see.

Be good, y'all!


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