Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Double Runs to Get it Done

The week of runs went almost as planned, most of them uneventful, no honks from cars or comments from passerbys. Tuesday was a 4 mile run, Thursday was a 5 mile run and Saturday was suppose to be a 4 mile run but I only did 3 because I had a bachelorette party that I had to get too!

After the fun weekend of dancing at the club to celebrate Lizzie's upcoming nuptials, spending the day at the Ledyard fair and running errands came my long run. The long run this week was ten miles and I made the mistake of trying to run at noon (again!). It would have been the 2nd time for a ten mile run since I've missed the last two weekends due to a hurricane and a weekend away. I decided just to take my 5 mile loop and run it twice to make the full ten miles. I set out around 11:30am but I guess my praying for cooler weather doesn't actually make it cooler, I ended up three miles into the run hot and out of energy. I ended up walking the last two miles and instead of making another loop I went home.

I didn't want to give up on the ten miles so I waited for it to cool off in the evening and went back out at 6:30pm, although I felt better the second time around I only made it three miles and walked the last two again. I always feel disappointed in myself when I don't complete the runs as I had anticipated but I had to remind myself that I finished a total of 10 miles and that it is likely during the marathon that I will stop and walk. I've realized I need a goal that is a little more tangible since Disney still feels so very far away, and so as long as my new work schedule allows for it I'll be signing up to run a half marathon in Newport, RI in October.

Another thing that helps my motivation is that Shawn and I have booked part of the trip and a dinner reservation at Jiko's (best restaurant at Disney!). I'm super excited to show Shawn all the parts of Disney that make it my favorite place in the world.


Update: Today marked the new week of runs of 4, 5, 4, and 11 miles. I couldn't find my watch today so I don't know the time on my run today but it felt great. Tomorrow will be a 5 mile run some how fit in before I start a new bowling league in the evening (will be needing a new team name, something ocean or aquarium related - ideas are welcomed!)


  1. Keep up the good work! You're doing great!

  2. You are currently kicking my butt at this. Rock on, keep me posted about the half marathon details :)
