Thursday, September 1, 2011

F&I Fun Day

Today was the annual F&I fun day. We take off from work at noon and spend some time relaxing as a department at the beach. It is definitely one of my favorite days despite the fact that the few hours we are at the aquarium are very rushed trying to fit a days worth of work into only 4 hours. Most of my days lately have been spent running around between feeds and backwashes barely having time to stop and chat with anyone besides a quick hi here and there. Going to the beach with the department allows me to socialize with everyone in such a nice setting. The food is always plentiful and delicious - this year were wrap sandwiches, chips, cookies, Sarah's amazing bean dip (I forced her to make it), more cookies and more chips. I indulged a bit to much and spent a few hours after on the couch digesting.

By the time I got my butt out to run I realized that I would be hitting sunset and running on a major road at night isn't really ideal. I decided to take it to the gym for the first time and run on a treadmill. Everyone says running on a treadmill is easier  but I found it to be harder. I get distracted running when on my own passing different scenery or wrapped up in my mind, on the treadmill I couldn't get into the run. Despite the tv's on four different stations in front of me or the people around me I just wasn't feeling it. With the lack of motivation it is really hard to get through a run, even though I wasn't tired I quit at 3 miles when I should have done 5 today.

I need to figure out how to schedule runs into the shorter daylight hours and I know now that running on a treadmill just doesn't work for me. In order to make up for the poor run today I plan on running 3 miles tomorrow. Saturday is a 4 mile run and this Monday will be my second 10 miler. Hurricane Irene really got in the way of my runs and I missed 3 runs last week so I never got my long run in, time to try again.


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