Monday, September 12, 2011

To-do's and turtles.

Team Speedy Turtles took the town by storm last weekend, as part of the annual sprint triathlon.  It's common for teams [mostly students] to dress up, so we weren't that crazy.  I was the runner for our team, and while three miles should be a piece of cake at this point, it may have been my most difficult run [maybe].  The race didn't start until 1pm because of the tides, so I didn't run until about 2pm. In the south. On a blacktop road with no shade and one waterstop.  Since it was a team event, the runners all left at different times, so it was hard to pace when you're  racing but running alone.  Needless to say, no one was feeling great about it, but I finished in good time. Our team didn't place, but we weren't last either. We all celebrated with a barbecue and jumping in the water afterwards - overall a great day with new friends, and a fun way to spend a weekend.

Back to the grind, I'm still trying to find balance between school, my new job, all of the reading and homework that comes with school, maintaining relationships back home, and oh yes, running. I fit in three solid days last week, but I'm still struggling as to where to put the 4th run in.  If only I could convince myself to get up early and run before class once or twice, but alas, my body fights me every time I try.

I'll get better at this, even if it takes a turtle's pace :)


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