Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Falling in.

This week has made me especially homesick, partially because I love fall in New England so much.  I'm starting to get into a good routine balancing school/work/running, but we had a very abrupt transition from 80 to 60s and the weather won't make up its mind.  It's nice that it's not sweltering every time I go for a run, but not the same as being back home.  I enlisted two friends to run with me this week, and while I loved their company, it wasn't the same - I miss you J!

This fall is our unofficial 2 year anniversary of being friends - I was thinking about it last night.  One of the first times we hung out outside of work was at a local cider mill, on one of those perfect New England fall days. While the south is great, I'm longing for New England right now.  Those crisp, sunny days, where the sun is warm and the breeze is cool. 

I may have to turn my fan on, just so I can snuggle into my blanket tonight.
Enjoy some cider for me!


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