Monday, May 30, 2011

Busy as a Bridesmaid

At some point my posts will hopefully occur more than once a week, but that has been impossible as the past few weeks have been crazy, this one was no exception.

My goal for the week had been to run Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday so that the weekend could be dedicated solely to being apart of Alyssa's wedding. This didn't exactly go to plan. I ran Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, then Thursday rolled around and I was exhausted. I just didn't have the energy for the final run of the week so I figured I could try and fit it in on Friday prior to the Bachelorette party. Yet that also didn't happen. This left me with only Saturday to get the run in as Sunday is the start day of each new week for my runs. Saturday was already jam packed with work, getting my nails done for the wedding and the rehearsal dinner, so the only feasible time was to run over lunch (and I did just that!). I'm only allotted approximately 45mins-1hr for lunch so instead of a 20min run/5min walk repeat, I skipped ahead to next week and ran for 25 mins. This went very nicely as it still allowed me time to scarf down food and get back to work before the hour was up.

After some very busy and exhausting few days (mind you I'm only a bridesmaid, I cannot imagine how crazy things are for a bride!) Sunday/Wedding day was here! I had high hopes of a morning run prior to all the getting ready and festivities, but I slept through my alarm and ended up having to skip the run by the time I woke up. The wedding was fabulous and I figured that all my dancing must have counted towards some form of workout, I danced until the DJ kicked us out. Plus as it is early on in the week I'm not to worried about getting all 4 runs in, I completed the first one today with a late run through Westerly, along the river. I haven't decided how I'll space the other three runs out but I have no major plans for the week besides some rest and recovery from the month of May, so it shouldn't be to hard to fit them in.

Nearing the end of the night - no one but the die hards left dancing!

Congratulations to Alyssa and Mershon! The wedding was beautiful and I'm so happy I was able to be a part of it.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Slow and steady.

I made it through a very rainy and humid week last week with 4 days of running, but felt pretty discouraged at the end. By the 4th day, I was so exhausted from work that I barely managed to squeeze out a 20 minute jog. Not my best, though still better than nothing. I took the weekend off to relax and recoup.  This week is another week of the 15/5/15/5 interval, so I started off today feeling fresh and recovered.  I decided to take it even slower than my normal pace [was that possible?] in an effort to make it through the full set, as I was having trouble with it last week. Slow seemed to work quite well for me - I made it through the first set without cramping up at all, and the second set went just as well.

As an aside, I was out shopping this morning and trying on sundresses - we have a wedding to go to on Sunday! I noticed in the mirror that my calves look absolutely huge. I'd like to thank Ithaca College for being on the side of a hill, and having a job that keeps me running up and down stairs all day for those. So I decided - my legs are ready for this. Those rediculous hills and stairs have given me the base that I need. I just need to make sure my brain is in the game now :)

I think the 10K in June will be a great milestone for both of us. Until now, the longest race I've done is a 5K, so I'm looking forward to this new experience. If you want to come cheer us on, feel free! We love having our friends support us.

LLS fact of the week:
In fiscal year 2010, LLS invested $72 million in blood cancer research.
LLS receives no federal funding. Because of the continued support of you and our partners and sponsors, in fiscal year 2010 we were able to:
  • invest $72 million, which includes funding for 103 new grants to researchers in academic institutions and $8 million in contracts through the LLS Therapy Acceleration Program
  • support 347 research projects in the United States, Canada and 9 other countries
  • provide financial assistance to patients
  • sponsor scientific conferences around the country
  • produce educational materials and videos
  • run dozens of Family Support Groups nationwide
You can find out more about how donations to LLS make a real difference at:

Here's to another week of running in the rain, and looking great at Sunday's wedding!


Week 5

Sunday was technically a day of rest, however instead of running I stayed active with a walking 5k in Hartford. It was just something fun to do with my parents and Shawn and turned out to be an entire day spent up in Hartford, ending with a Jason Aldean concert that Shawn had won tickets for on the radio!

Randomly through out any given week intern Sarah (even though she is no longer a intern, I still distinguish her this way from the other million Sarah's in my life) and myself will have gym dates, as long as our work and vacation schedules allow, lately they haven't. We mix it up between Zumba, Body Sculpt, Boot Camp and Spinning. This morning we met up early for a Body Sculpt class, which includes weights, resistance bands and aerobic activity for an overall body workout. After a good, hard workout, a trip to Dunkin's, and a few small errands I made my way over to Misquamicut Beach for the start of my week 5 runs. 

This week is 20min run/5min walk repeat. I have already found myself getting bored running the same few routes, although I wasn't running on the beach, the fact that I could smell the saltwater and hear the waves provided some new excellent distractions.  The run went extremely well and the course I took can be found here. 

Also as a side note - I just registered for my very first 10k! It's taking place on June 26th in Boston, I'll be focusing on this smaller goal for my immediate future and hope to continue to do more side events leading up to the marathon itself, so if you hear of any in the MA/RI/CT area let me know.


A Disney State of Mind

I was unable to figure out a way to post from Disney and this is the first chance I've had to blog since returning on Thursday so I'm now very behind (on blogging, not running!).

If you are reading this then you probably know me well enough to know that Disney is my favorite place on earth. I often wonder why I didn't base my career around my love for the company and the parks, it is my love of Disney that even has me training for a marathon anyway. The few days away were pretty wonderful, in between park and hotel hopping I managed to get three runs in!

On Monday I flew in, Emily was waiting for me at my gate (the perks of being on a flight that landed a half hour after hers!) and we jumped on Disney's Magical Express bus service that brings you to the hotel. After a quick check-in and visit to our room we immediately headed back out to Epcot. We stayed in the park until almost the very end, I say almost the end because we didn't stay for Illuminations. Since it was only about 9 when we arrived back at the hotel I figured a run that evening would be better than one super early the next morning. I'm still on the 15run/5walk repeat interval so I stuck with this and ran around the three All Star Resorts (Sports, Music, Movies).

Tuesday was filled with Harry Potter, a nap by the pool and a visit to Downtown Disney and the Boardwalk hotel, in short no time for a run.

I have no idea how I had the energy to get out of bed at 5am on Wednesday to run, but I did. This way the run was over and down with and our day in the Magic Kingdom could begin. I'll spare you all the super fun details but lets just say I loved it, the new expansion is going to be amazing, the new show at night that takes place on the castle is amazing and I've already got my countdown started for when I get to run through the park in January (229 days if you're wondering).

Thursday was a day of down time because we were flying home that evening. Our only real plans were that we didn't have plans, this allowed me to sleep in until 8am and then go for my run. It had sounded like a wonderful idea, until I was actual out running and it was already hot and muggy (this is when I remember why I don't live in Orlando, I dislike hot and muggy weather) but I managed to get through both sets.

I took Friday as a rest day partially because a trip to Disney always requires some rest after and because I had tickets to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie (never as good as the first but still an entertaining movie - love Capt. Jack!).

Saturday's run was uneventful and ended this week of runs!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Now it's personal.

While some people are off tanning in Florida, the rest of us are in rainy CT. To fill you in on my progress, last week was last week of 3 days of interval training, and now I'm up to 4 days of training per week. The book suggests that this week is 15 minutes running and 5 minute walking, repeated twice. Sunday was close - I made it through the first 15 minutes, but only lasted 10 for the second set. Today was my longest training day so far: 12 minutes running, 5 minutes walking, 17 minutes running, 5 minutes walking, 8 minute running. In the rain [booh-yah!].

Now on to the important things... the Disney marathon and half marathon benefit the The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® - Over the weekend, I found out that a friend's father was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Most people associate leukemia with kids, but it can and does affect anyone.  My heart goes out to him and his family, and it was just the motivation I needed to get through todays very rainy run. 

From the marathon's website: "LLS uses the WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon Weekend as a platform to create awareness of this life saving cause, as well as to raise much needed funds for research. Participants and volunteers have the opportunity to make donations to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society directly at the point of registration or by visiting our website at Each year, roughly $7 million is raised through participant and volunteer donations along with the Team in Training fundraising program. "

I know that everyone is strapped for cash at this point, as am I, so I'll try to use this as an awareness-raising event, not just a fundraising event.  As it comes closer to race day, we'll post links for online donations through the race website.

Tomorrow is a running-free day for me, and then I'll go back to the 15/5 interval for Thursday and Friday.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Sick Day Extended

Saturday was already set to be a day off from running as I was working all day and immediately after heading down to the Cape for a quick one-night getaway. The plan was to run Sunday while on the Cape and then take today off because I'm flying down to Disney for a quick three-night getaway! However I didn't run yesterday, after having a bit of fun on Saturday night I woke up coughing (hacking cough - it was not fun) and couldn't see myself running like that. While I still attempt to recover from my cold/allergies/whatever is not making me feel well it has turned into an extended sick day. The running is set to be resumed on Tuesday, regardless of how I'm feeling, but because I'm going to the Happiest Place on Earth I can't imagine feeling sick down there! 

I also will most likely not be blogging, unless I get some downtime and figure out how to do it on my phone. So to keep you in the loop I plan on running both Tuesday and Wednesday while at Disney, repeating the 15min run/5min walk repeat this week. The other two runs will occur once I return.

Now I'm off to hang out with Emily and Mickey Mouse! 
M-I-C See you later K-E-Y Why because I like you? M-O-U-S-E!


Friday, May 13, 2011

Sick Day

Yesterday I wanted to blog about my day but the server was down, so here's a recap.

I was feeling very unmotivated and spent most of the day talking myself up for the run. I came home after work and quickly changed into my clothes because I knew I had to get right back out for this run to happen. Once out running I felt great, the first 15 minutes are easier than the second 15, but I still completed both. However after the run and during my cool-down stretching I suddenly had this horrible cough that stayed with me intermittently through out the night. I was definitely not feeling at my best and was hoping sleep would help.

Then comes today.

I didn't get enough sleep but despite being a bit tired I had a plan for my day. After work I was to go to the laundromat, obviously then do laundry, while taking naps in the backseat of my car during the wash and dry cycle (like I said I was tired). From that point I would run home, change and head out on a run. Here's how the day actually panned out instead. I didn't make it to the laundromat as early as I had wanted, but I did get the naps in! After finishing up and heading home I was hungry and knew I wouldn't last for a 45 min (run/walk combo) so I changed the plan to a snack first and then a run. After the snack I still wasn't feeling up for a run and although I hate to admit this last part, the run finally got cut out completely. I'm calling it a sick day. I'm also taking tomorrow off for a trip to the Cape, but will be back on the running wagon come Sunday. Plus maybe two days off while finally kick this cold. Now if only allergy season would end, I'd be all set.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Going the distance

I took a break from interval training yesterday to do one solid distance run.  We were going to a friend's house for a pre-summer bbq and campfire, so I decided to run the mile and a half after work to get there. Thankfully, my lovely roomie brought me a clean change of clothes so I wasn't so smelly all night. It was a really good feeling - being able to run with a goal and destination in mind, and not having to look at my watch every few minutes.  I'm proud to say I wasn't totally dead after it either.

Cheers to sunny days and feeling good!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Trail Run

Heading out on my run today I left the aquarium with no real direction in mind. After the initial warm-up walk I ended up over by the overflow parking lot in which there are some trails that connect to a nature preserve, so I figured I would check them out. Although it had some benefits, it is not a run I would repeat. I ended up doing the first 15min run in the woods, but the whole time I was concerned about roots and awkward foot placement that I wasn't concerned with how long I had been running for (benefit) but the prospects of spraining or breaking my ankle (negative). After completing the first half on the trail run I went back out to the main roads for the second half, another day done!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Medical mystery.

I'll admit, the past week didn't go quite as I had planned. After a week of having strange pains in my spleen - it's the organ under your left rib cage - I didn't want to chance anything like having it rupture (apparently running is bad if your spleen is enlarged. Ask anyone with mono how much fun it is to sit still for several weeks...) I had a doctor's appointment today, and everything looks normal and healthy, though it's still sore. Hopefully, I'll get back on track this week, stay healthy and keep trecking along. The weather forcast looks great!

Now go google spleen!



Using googlemaps I've recreated the path I ran today! Enjoy.

So begins another week

Yesterday started week 3 for me on the plan I'm following and I planned on going for a run, but didn't, oops. Instead I'll be starting today, this week consists of 4 runs of 15min run/5min walk repeat. For run #1 this week I'm about to lace up my sneakers and head over to Westerly, the nice weather makes it easy for me to want to go for a run. 
Plans for the day once the run is done:
           bring Jack outside.
           finish bedazzling my flipflops while outside with Jack.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

RAW is winding down...

It has been a crazy, busy week. I wouldn't have thought that attending a week of lectures on fish would be tiring but it truly is. Although that may be due to the hospitality suite, seriously what other conference provides copious amounts of beer to its attendees? Tonight was finally a change of pace as they sponsored a boat cruise out into Chesapeake Bay, the water was calm and the mood was very relaxed. I'm sure the hospitality suite is open again tonight but since A and I are presenting tomorrow we have decided to keep it low key. Plus I figured I would finally get my third run in tonight. I'm hoping the run will help calm my nerves for the presentation tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

On the boardwalk

I was a bit too full after dinner last night to run, so I woke up at 6 this morning and hit the boardwalk. Well worth it! It was just after sunrise, so the sky was beautiful and pink, and there were runners and walkers all over the boardwalk. It felt very inspiring to be in such a beautiful place - running next to the ocean, and sharing it with all of these strangers. And to top it off - the running [jogging] isn't quite as painful anymore. Score!

We're off to bed soon, so we can wake up and do it again tomorrow. This time we'll try to get a picture to share.

Sweet dreams from the beach!


My post has nothing to do with running, that will be saved for tomorrow morning, instead I wanted to give a quick update about the conference. After spending what would have been a regular workday listening to lectures about topics such as life support, fee-based interaction programs and fish propagation I realized how very much I still have to learn in my field. It makes me both a little nervous at how very green-thumbed (if I can even say that?) I am in the field but also very excited for my future. Today ended with a trip to the Virginia Aquarium for some food, free drinks, backup tours of their facility and my drooling at the fact that they have six Spotted Eagle Rays (yeah, I'm jealous!). Overall I would say a successful first day at my first RAW conference and am looking forward to a sunrise run with A tomorrow and another fun filled day of learning! 


P.S. Happy Birthday Annah!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Virginia Beach

Today was a long day spent in the car from 6am until about 5pm. But we've arrived and now begins RAW! For those who don't know what that it, lets just say it's a bunch of fish people hanging out talking about fish. After we arrived there was little downtime before heading back out for dinner. Which for anyone who's wondering was a very delicious Mediterranean restaurant (yum!). After dinner the options turned to going to the bar, going to bed or going for a run. I'm proud to say I choose going for a run. Our hotel is right on the ocean and I'm impressed with the walkway that hugs the beach, so I took off and headed out for a little evening run. It was nice to hear the waves crash against the beach but the views were lost with the darkening sky and increasing amount of fog.

Now I just have to figure out when to fit the next two runs of the week in amongst presentations and night functions.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunny Day!

Today is hands down the best day we've had all spring (so far). It is sunny, warm without being overly hot and breezy, a perfect day for a run. Technically I was suppose to run either Friday or Saturday to complete my first week of 5min walk/5min run repeat 3x series. However things didn't really pan out that way due to combating a cold and killer allergies. Although I still can't breath through my nose and I'll be needing to pop a Claritin anytime I want to go outside I had to get the run in today! Luckily for me Shawn was up for going with me and we hit the streets together. We originally headed over to downtown Westerly to run through the park but decided to take a detour along the Pawcatuck river instead. It was a pretty good way to end my first week.

Tomorrow A and myself will be leaving bright and early for RAW!! My goal is to get all three runs in (this time 5min walk/10min run repeat) in the morning, before any of the presentations begin. Wish me luck :)
