Monday, May 23, 2011

Slow and steady.

I made it through a very rainy and humid week last week with 4 days of running, but felt pretty discouraged at the end. By the 4th day, I was so exhausted from work that I barely managed to squeeze out a 20 minute jog. Not my best, though still better than nothing. I took the weekend off to relax and recoup.  This week is another week of the 15/5/15/5 interval, so I started off today feeling fresh and recovered.  I decided to take it even slower than my normal pace [was that possible?] in an effort to make it through the full set, as I was having trouble with it last week. Slow seemed to work quite well for me - I made it through the first set without cramping up at all, and the second set went just as well.

As an aside, I was out shopping this morning and trying on sundresses - we have a wedding to go to on Sunday! I noticed in the mirror that my calves look absolutely huge. I'd like to thank Ithaca College for being on the side of a hill, and having a job that keeps me running up and down stairs all day for those. So I decided - my legs are ready for this. Those rediculous hills and stairs have given me the base that I need. I just need to make sure my brain is in the game now :)

I think the 10K in June will be a great milestone for both of us. Until now, the longest race I've done is a 5K, so I'm looking forward to this new experience. If you want to come cheer us on, feel free! We love having our friends support us.

LLS fact of the week:
In fiscal year 2010, LLS invested $72 million in blood cancer research.
LLS receives no federal funding. Because of the continued support of you and our partners and sponsors, in fiscal year 2010 we were able to:
  • invest $72 million, which includes funding for 103 new grants to researchers in academic institutions and $8 million in contracts through the LLS Therapy Acceleration Program
  • support 347 research projects in the United States, Canada and 9 other countries
  • provide financial assistance to patients
  • sponsor scientific conferences around the country
  • produce educational materials and videos
  • run dozens of Family Support Groups nationwide
You can find out more about how donations to LLS make a real difference at:

Here's to another week of running in the rain, and looking great at Sunday's wedding!


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