Monday, May 23, 2011

A Disney State of Mind

I was unable to figure out a way to post from Disney and this is the first chance I've had to blog since returning on Thursday so I'm now very behind (on blogging, not running!).

If you are reading this then you probably know me well enough to know that Disney is my favorite place on earth. I often wonder why I didn't base my career around my love for the company and the parks, it is my love of Disney that even has me training for a marathon anyway. The few days away were pretty wonderful, in between park and hotel hopping I managed to get three runs in!

On Monday I flew in, Emily was waiting for me at my gate (the perks of being on a flight that landed a half hour after hers!) and we jumped on Disney's Magical Express bus service that brings you to the hotel. After a quick check-in and visit to our room we immediately headed back out to Epcot. We stayed in the park until almost the very end, I say almost the end because we didn't stay for Illuminations. Since it was only about 9 when we arrived back at the hotel I figured a run that evening would be better than one super early the next morning. I'm still on the 15run/5walk repeat interval so I stuck with this and ran around the three All Star Resorts (Sports, Music, Movies).

Tuesday was filled with Harry Potter, a nap by the pool and a visit to Downtown Disney and the Boardwalk hotel, in short no time for a run.

I have no idea how I had the energy to get out of bed at 5am on Wednesday to run, but I did. This way the run was over and down with and our day in the Magic Kingdom could begin. I'll spare you all the super fun details but lets just say I loved it, the new expansion is going to be amazing, the new show at night that takes place on the castle is amazing and I've already got my countdown started for when I get to run through the park in January (229 days if you're wondering).

Thursday was a day of down time because we were flying home that evening. Our only real plans were that we didn't have plans, this allowed me to sleep in until 8am and then go for my run. It had sounded like a wonderful idea, until I was actual out running and it was already hot and muggy (this is when I remember why I don't live in Orlando, I dislike hot and muggy weather) but I managed to get through both sets.

I took Friday as a rest day partially because a trip to Disney always requires some rest after and because I had tickets to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie (never as good as the first but still an entertaining movie - love Capt. Jack!).

Saturday's run was uneventful and ended this week of runs!


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