Tuesday, May 3, 2011

On the boardwalk

I was a bit too full after dinner last night to run, so I woke up at 6 this morning and hit the boardwalk. Well worth it! It was just after sunrise, so the sky was beautiful and pink, and there were runners and walkers all over the boardwalk. It felt very inspiring to be in such a beautiful place - running next to the ocean, and sharing it with all of these strangers. And to top it off - the running [jogging] isn't quite as painful anymore. Score!

We're off to bed soon, so we can wake up and do it again tomorrow. This time we'll try to get a picture to share.

Sweet dreams from the beach!


My post has nothing to do with running, that will be saved for tomorrow morning, instead I wanted to give a quick update about the conference. After spending what would have been a regular workday listening to lectures about topics such as life support, fee-based interaction programs and fish propagation I realized how very much I still have to learn in my field. It makes me both a little nervous at how very green-thumbed (if I can even say that?) I am in the field but also very excited for my future. Today ended with a trip to the Virginia Aquarium for some food, free drinks, backup tours of their facility and my drooling at the fact that they have six Spotted Eagle Rays (yeah, I'm jealous!). Overall I would say a successful first day at my first RAW conference and am looking forward to a sunrise run with A tomorrow and another fun filled day of learning! 


P.S. Happy Birthday Annah!

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