Monday, May 30, 2011

Busy as a Bridesmaid

At some point my posts will hopefully occur more than once a week, but that has been impossible as the past few weeks have been crazy, this one was no exception.

My goal for the week had been to run Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday so that the weekend could be dedicated solely to being apart of Alyssa's wedding. This didn't exactly go to plan. I ran Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, then Thursday rolled around and I was exhausted. I just didn't have the energy for the final run of the week so I figured I could try and fit it in on Friday prior to the Bachelorette party. Yet that also didn't happen. This left me with only Saturday to get the run in as Sunday is the start day of each new week for my runs. Saturday was already jam packed with work, getting my nails done for the wedding and the rehearsal dinner, so the only feasible time was to run over lunch (and I did just that!). I'm only allotted approximately 45mins-1hr for lunch so instead of a 20min run/5min walk repeat, I skipped ahead to next week and ran for 25 mins. This went very nicely as it still allowed me time to scarf down food and get back to work before the hour was up.

After some very busy and exhausting few days (mind you I'm only a bridesmaid, I cannot imagine how crazy things are for a bride!) Sunday/Wedding day was here! I had high hopes of a morning run prior to all the getting ready and festivities, but I slept through my alarm and ended up having to skip the run by the time I woke up. The wedding was fabulous and I figured that all my dancing must have counted towards some form of workout, I danced until the DJ kicked us out. Plus as it is early on in the week I'm not to worried about getting all 4 runs in, I completed the first one today with a late run through Westerly, along the river. I haven't decided how I'll space the other three runs out but I have no major plans for the week besides some rest and recovery from the month of May, so it shouldn't be to hard to fit them in.

Nearing the end of the night - no one but the die hards left dancing!

Congratulations to Alyssa and Mershon! The wedding was beautiful and I'm so happy I was able to be a part of it.


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