Thursday, June 2, 2011


I asked my coworker who used to run around the aquarium a lot for a route to switch it up with today. I don't like running the same way over and over again so I'm trying to constantly alternate where I'm going. Her suggestion was a little more than the distance I needed but sounded like a great run, minus one small (or very large) thing - hills!

I started out in the direction she suggested but wasn't necessarily convinced I would proceed with the run, I kept trying to think of alternate routes but couldn't come up with any that I hadn't already done at least once. It was at this point that I figured the past few runs this week have been good, not easy, but not hard and I was up for the challenge. I turned right and ran up the first hill, my legs burned, but as soon as I hit the top and ran where it was flat again they recovered and quickly! I hit the second hill, more burning, more flat ground and more recovering. The final hill seemed never ending as I was running up it but obviously it ended and I was able to recover and to continue running. The feeling of accomplishing something I couldn't do a month ago, two weeks ago, even last week was amazing. I ended up running 2.5 miles in just over 28 mins!

Although I never thought this was possible - I think I'm starting to like running (which is really good seeing as I'm in this for the long haul - 219 days until the marathon!)


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