Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Run-day!

When I lived in Albuquerque we (the aquarium sunday crew and myself) would call it Sunday Funday. We didn't have any supervisors on duty that day and although we always got all of our work done we took a little bit of liberty with our day. Sunday Funday included sitting in front of the shark tank in the morning and enjoying it without guests around, we usually only sat for about 15 minutes. At ten o'clock break (this isn't us slacking, we received a break at 10 everyday and everyone took it together) we would send someone out to get us breakfast burritos from Golden Pride. Outside of Albuquerque I have yet to find a place that has a comparable breakfast burrito. Now that I no longer live in Albuquerque and Sundays have become my Saturday's I don't normally refer to it as Sunday Funday, except when I do something really fun.

Since I've reworked my running days Sunday has now become my long run day. Today is the first long run at 5 miles. I've decided I will now refer to it as Sunday Runday. I did a little bit of research this morning on and about proper meals before long runs and how much time to wait between eating and running. I haven't been very concerned with my diet up to this point but as the runs become longer and longer I feel it will be necessary to come up with a plan for meals.

Postrun: I wrote the rest of the blog before going out for the run, trying to kill time between breakfast and  the run. Now I've completed the 5 miles in 59 minutes - its a minute quicker than I planned! I picked a loop that for the first half was relatively flat and the second half was a lot of uphill climbs. Althoguh feeling very tired on some of the uphills because it ended on a slowly descending down hill I felt good at the end.

The rest of the day will be spent on errands and enjoying the beautiful weather outside.


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