Tuesday, June 21, 2011

2007 to Now

It's truly amazing how much of a difference there can be between two of the same things. I say this because back in 2007 I first attempted this training schedule, back then I had a goal in mind of the Chicago marathon. I started the training sometime in June or July after returning from an internship at Disney World, although I can't recall what my motivation was exactly. Despite following the exact same training program I don't remember having as good of a time with it as I've been having. Each run although challenging at times has felt great this time around, in the past every run was a struggle (or at least thats how I remember it). I bring this up because this week is a 3, 4, 3, 6 mile run schedule and it was after the 6 mile run last time that I quit.

I ran this morning on what is now becoming a familiar and favorite route of mine located near the aquarium. It has a two larger hills, a few minor ones and runs through a nature preserve and along the river at points. This morning was my first run of the week and at only 3 miles I figured I could push myself a little, I'm even proud to say that the second hill of the run, the one that I have to talk myself up the whole time seemed better, shorter almost. Today was probably my favorite run of the entire program, I think I'm finally understanding why runners like to run. I could definately see myself long after this program is over continuing to run on a regular basis.

I can say with confidence that I won't be quitting this time around after the 6 mile run!


On a sidenote: I bought a new water bottle this weekend since I need to up the amount of my water intake. I found one from Camelbak at Target that has a filter inside the water bottle, now the plan is to bring it everywhere I go!

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