Monday, June 13, 2011

My Monday

My Mondays are a little different than most everyone else's due to the fact that they are my Sunday. While everyone is headed back to work I get to sleep in late, run errands and veg out. Although this means I don't have Saturday off, I would take the trade off any week. I used this Monday to do all the things I love Mondays for - I slept in until 9, completed important errands (taking my car in for an oil change), relaxed on the couch watching some trashy tv and now added to the list: ran!

The last few days have been rainy, overcast and unmotivating. I was suppose to get in one more 30 min run before switching over to mileage but due to the bad weather and my lack of wanting to get that wet while running I never made it back out. I woke up this morning slightly undecided on whether I would make this the last 30 min run and start the mileage late or just go for the 3 mile run since my longest run was 2.75 miles and I figured I wasn't that far off. I finally came to the decision to go for the mileage because in less than two weeks I have the 10k coming up and I need to start increasing my mileage.

The run I decided to take was relatively flat along the river. I completed the 3 miles in 32 minutes! I took the first 2/3 easy and really pushed myself at the end.

I used the time running to plan out how the next few weeks will progress, according to the plan this week should include 3 miles, 4 miles, 3 miles and 5 miles for the four runs of the week. I've found that at the end of my work week I have no energy to run after work so Friday and Saturday will be set days off (unless something prevents me running earlier in the week). Sunday will become the end of my running week with the long run. We will see how this works out but I think having set running days will be the best course of action to help me stick to the plan.


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