Wednesday, June 15, 2011

4 miler!

 This post is a little late but I was just so excited about completing 4 miles and how good I felt after that I forgot to post, oops!

I spent most of Tuesday thinking about my upcoming run that afternoon and trying to talk myself up. 4 miles just seemed so long and so much longer than the 3 mile run on Monday. Basically while walking around the aquarium I kept telling myself "I can do this" "It won't be that bad" on repeat until the end of the day. I mapped out the route earlier in the day and after work headed out, with a built in extra long warm up walk. During the warm up walk I felt a little worn out which didn't bode well for the rest of the run. The weird part was once I started running I felt better, the part of me that was tired, that felt worn out seemed to fade away. Two minutes into the run I started singing (silently of course) "I feel good, na na na na na na, like I knew that I would, na na na na na na, so good, so good, so good, I got you, woo woo woo woo" The feeling lasted through out the run and I finished 4 miles in 46 minutes.

Up next: another 3 miles, should be easy :)


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