Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dead ends and sunny days.

I guess you could call it a busy two weeks... but that seems like an understatement.  Although I wasn't involved in the wedding, I was happy to attend and dance the night away, but it was a crazy week at work.  I still managed to fit in all of my runs last week.  This week was another step up - 20 minute run, 5 minute walk, 20 minute run. Happily, I made it through all 4 days, and it even felt pretty good afterwards.  I could get used to this feeling. The weather has also been cooperating most days - not too humid or rainy, so it's hard to come up with an excuse not to run.

I've started to suprise myself with how far I can get in 20 minutes, and have come across 3 dead ends that I didn't know existed, simply because I hadn't made it to the end of those streets before. Pretty cool. It still gets frusterating that I'm not getting as far as I'd like to - I haven't made the 4 mile mark yet - but I keep telling myself that it's much further than I was running a month ago, so progress is good, no matter so slow. The 10k will be a big milestone for me, so I've got 22 more days to get ready for it.

Next week, I move up to 25 minutes of running, 5 minutes of walking. I don't think it will be too hard of a transition, especially since I'll be able to push myself and know that there isn't a second set of running to repeat.

Here goes!


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