Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Making time for... everything.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but the reason that I chose to do the 1/2 marathon rather than the full is that I'm starting grad school in the fall [yay!]. However, this means that in the next two months, I'm finishing up a night class, editing a paper with our vet, and preparing all of the details necessary to shuffle my life down to North Carolina. It's becoming quite the juggling act, especially with the longer runs coming in to play, so I'm still figuring out how to fit everything in.

Meanwhile, I ran 5 miles. FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. If there could be a fanfare or a crowd of people doing the wave right now, that would be lovely.  This was a huge step for me on Sunday.  Like I said before, I've never been a distance runner. This was a very big moment for me. I'm picturing the [flat!] 10k on Sunday to be doable now after the very hilly 5 miles that nearly kicked my butt.  In the end though, I made it through and felt pretty good - ending on a big downhill has that effect.

I'm off to sleep! Must be well rested this week... Sunday is not too far away!


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